Remarketing: Reconnecting with Past Visitors for Increased Conversions


Remarketing is a powerful digital marketing strategy that allows businesses to reconnect with website visitors who didn’t convert on their first visit. By utilising targeted ads and personalised email campaigns, remarketing can successfully recapture the attention of these potential customers, guiding them towards completing a purchase or desired action, ultimately increasing conversions and sales.

QB & Co Consulting, a leading marketing solutions provider for small businesses in Brisbane, brings you a comprehensive guide on implementing successful remarketing strategies. Our team is dedicated to creating tailored marketing solutions that empower businesses to reclaim their lost opportunities and maximise their online conversions.

In this article, we will delve into the world of remarketing, exploring various techniques, channels, and insider tips to help you effectively reconnect with past visitors, boost your conversion rates, and drive growth in your Brisbane-based small business.

Remarketing Channels: Diverse Mediums to Reengage Your Audience

There are various channels available to execute your remarketing strategy. Each offers unique advantages, and your selection should align with your target audience, budget, and marketing objectives.

  • Google Display Network (GDN): The GDN platform allows you to reach a broad audience by displaying your ads across thousands of websites, apps, and videos. Google’s Advanced Targeting technology enhances the effectiveness of your remarketing ads by pitching them to users with a higher likelihood of conversion.
  • Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer retargeting options that enable tailored ads across your target audience’s feeds. Social media remarketing allows you to leverage the comprehensive user data available on these platforms, enhancing ad relevance and increasing the probability of conversions.
  • Email Remarketing: Personalised email campaigns not only engage your previous visitors but also nurture relationships and encourage repeat business. By segmenting your email lists based on user behaviour, you can create highly targeted campaigns that appeal to individual customer preferences.

Audience Segmentation: Precision in Your Retargeting Approach

Effective remarketing campaigns hinge on the relevance of your ads to your target audience. Audience segmentation involves dividing your past visitors into groups based on specific criteria, such as demographics, browsing behaviour, or purchase history. By tailoring your ads to these segments, you increase ad relevance, driving higher engagement and conversion rates.

  • Demographic Segmentation: Divide your audience based on age, gender, location, or income level to create ads that resonate more effectively with each group.
  • Behavioural Segmentation: Group your audience by actions taken on your website, such as product views, abandoned carts, or form submissions. This data empowers you to craft campaigns that address the underlying reasons for non-conversion, such as price-focused ads for those who abandoned their carts.
  • Time-Based Segmentation: Separate your audience by the duration since their last visit, enabling retargeting efforts that capitalise on recency and relevance.

Ad Creativity and Relevance: Captivate Your Audience’s Attention

Remarketing campaigns must feature engaging, visually appealing ads that offer value to your audience. The creative aspects of your ads should capture attention, while their message must resonate with your viewers’ motivations, interests, and needs.

  • Visual Appeal: Use high-quality graphics, clear typography, and eye-catching colours that align with your brand identity and aesthetics.
  • Compelling Copy: Ad copy should be concise yet persuasive. Emphasise unique selling propositions, exclusive offers, or enticing promotions to entice past visitors to reconsider your products or services.
  • Personalisation: Customise your ads based on audience segment data, ensuring individual relevance and increased chances of conversion.
  • A/B Testing: Continuously test and monitor ad performance to identify which elements resonate best with your audience. Iterate on your ads based on insights gleaned from testing, such as different headlines, visuals, or calls-to-action.

Conversion Tracking and Analytics: Measure Your Success

The success of your remarketing efforts relies on constant tracking, analysis, and optimisation. Implement relevant tracking tools to monitor campaign performance and adjust your strategies accordingly to ensure the long-term effectiveness of your remarketing efforts.

  • Google Ads Conversion Tracking: Implement the Google Ads conversion tracking code on your website and set up conversion goals to track the overall performance of your remarketing campaigns on the Google Display Network.
  • Google Analytics: Integrate Google Analytics with your tracking tools to access detailed, granular data on user behaviour and campaign performance.
  • Email Analytics: Utilise the reporting features available in your email marketing platform to monitor the success of your remarketing email campaigns, tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA): Reinforce Your Brand on SERPs

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) is a Google Ads feature that allows you to customise your search ad campaigns for users who have previously visited your website. By modifying your bids and keywords, you can reinforce your brand and maximise the potential for increased conversions.

  • Bid Adjustments: Increase your bids for users who are on your remarketing list and searching for related keywords, boosting the visibility of your ads to these high-value users.
  • Targeted Keyword Strategy: Expand your keyword list to incorporate terms that are broader or higher in the sales funnel, reaching a wider audience while simultaneously maintaining relevance to your remarketed users.

Implementing the techniques detailed above, from audience segmentation to leveraging conversion tracking tools, can substantially increase the success of your remarketing campaigns. By staying persistent and refining your approach over time, you can effectively engage past visitors and generate higher conversion rates for your Brisbane-based small business.

Maximising Conversions with Effective Remarketing Campaigns

In conclusion, remarketing is an invaluable tool that empowers your business to reengage previous website visitors, improving your chances of converting them into paying customers. By implementing strategic segmentation, creative ad design, and leveraging multiple remarketing channels, you can reconnect with your target audience, reinforce your brand, and ultimately boost your sales and conversion rates.

Ready to take your digital marketing efforts to the next level with the best marketing agency in Australia? Look no further than QB & Co Consulting! Our dedicated team of marketing experts is committed to supporting small businesses in Brisbane with personalised remarketing campaigns that effectively capture your previous website visitors and drive increased conversions. Contact us today to receive a free consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve remarkable results with our expert remarketing services. Don’t wait – partner with QB & Co Consulting today and experience the difference!